Ford Taurus Service Manual: Removal and Installation

Main Control Valve Body


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. Refer to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the main control cover. Refer to Main Control Cover - 3.5L GTDI or Main Control Cover - 3.5L Ti-VCT.
  1. Slide the TR sensor electrical connector lock tab over.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Handle the solenoid body with care or damage to the solenoid body may occur.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. NOTICE: Be careful not to pinch the TSS , OSS or TR sensor wiring harnesses under the valve body, or damage to the wiring harness or connectors may occur.

    NOTE: If cleaning of the main control assembly or inspecting the valves, refer to Main Control - Overhaul. If installing a new main control assembly continue with this procedure.

    NOTE: Make sure that the manual control lever pin (part of the TR sensor) is correctly installed in the manual control valve.

    1. Manual pin.
    1. Manual valve.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Make sure not to pinch the TSS , OSS or TR sensor wiring harnesses when positioning the solenoid body in place.

    Hand-tighten only.

    1. 42 mm (1.653 in) bolt
    1. 63 mm (2.48 in) bolts
    1. 80 mm (3.149 in) bolts
    1. 95 mm (3.74 in) bolts

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Connect the TR sensor electrical connector and slide the lock tab to the LOCK position.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the main control cover. Refer to Main Control Cover - 3.5L GTDI or Main Control Cover - 3.5L Ti-VCT.
  1. Place the manual control lever in DRIVE.
    1. Rotate the manual control lever clockwise until it stops.
    1. Rotate the manual control lever counterclockwise one detent until it stops.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. If a replacement transmission assembly is being installed or a new solenoid body is installed, the PCM will must be reflashed with a new solenoid body strategy and identification data file. Refer to Solenoid Body Strategy Download.
  1. After completing the repairs, perform the Misfire Monitor Neutral Profile Correction procedure.

Turbine Shaft Speed (TSS) Sensor


  1. Remove the main control cover. Refer to Main Control Cover - 3.5L GTDI or Main Control Cover - 3.5L Ti-VCT.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. NOTE: Use a plastic tie strap big enough so that the locking end can not fit through the TSS sensor electrical connector and long enough so that it can be fed through the transmission case to pull the TSS electrical connector through the transmission case.

    Route a plastic tie strap through the electrical connector of the new TSS sensor electrical connector.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: When routing the TSS sensor electrical connector through the transmission case, position the TSS sensor electrical connector locking tab toward the bottom of the TSS sensor hole.

    Route the plastic tie strap through the TSS sensor hole and route the tie strap to the main control valve body area. Use the tie strap to pull the TSS sensor electrical connector through the transmission case to the main control valve body area. Remove the tie strap from the TSS sensor.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the main control cover. Refer to Main Control Cover - 3.5L GTDI or Main Control Cover - 3.5L Ti-VCT.

Output Shaft Speed (OSS) Sensor


  1. Remove the main control valve body. Refer to Main Control Valve Body.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the main control valve body. Refer to Main Control Valve Body.

Halfshaft Seal - RH, Front Wheel Drive (FWD)

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. REFER to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the RH front wheel and tire. REFER to Section 204-04.
  1. Remove the RH halfshaft. REFER to Section 205-04.
  1. General equipment: Awl.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. General equipment: Dent puller.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. Special Tool(s): Cover Axle Seal Installer 307-582A and Adapter for 303-224 (Handle) 205-153 (T80T-4000-W).
    New halfshaft seal.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Cover Axle Seal Installer 307-582A and Adapter for 303-224 (Handle) 205-153 (T80T-4000-W).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the RH halfshaft. REFER to Section 205-04.
  1. Install the RH wheel and tire. REFER to Section 204-04.
  1. Fill with clean transmission fluid to the correct level.

Halfshaft Seal - RH, All Wheel Drive (AWD)

  1. NOTE: The RH halfshaft seal for AWD vehicles is part of the PTU.

    To install a new RH halfshaft seal for AWD vehicles, refer to Intermediate Shaft Seal in REFER to Section 308-07B.

Halfshaft Seal - LH

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. REFER to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the front LH halfshaft. REFER to Section 205-04.
  1. General equipment: Awl.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. General equipment: Dent puller.
    Discard the specified component. Follow local disposal regulations.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. Special Tool(s): Cover Axle Seal Installer 307-582A and Adapter for 303-224 (Handle) 205-153 (T80T-4000-W).
    New half shaft seal.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Cover Axle Seal Installer 307-582A and Adapter for 303-224 (Handle) 205-153 (T80T-4000-W).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the front LH halfshaft. REFER to Section 205-04.
  1. Fill with clean transmission fluid to the correct level.

Digital Transmission Range (TR) Sensor

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. REFER to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the main control valve body. Refer to Main Control Valve Body.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special tool(s): Remover, TRS Retaining Pin 307-696.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Do not allow the park pawl actuator rod to slide out of the transmission case too far or it can become disengaged from the park pawl. Transmission removal and disassembly is required to install the park pawl actuator rod on the park pawl.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special tool(s): Installer, Manual Lever Retaining Pin 307-592.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 18 Nm (159 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the main control valve body. Refer to Main Control Valve Body.
  1. Adjust the selector lever cable. Refer to Section 307-05.

Transaxle Support Insulator - 3.5L Ti-VCT

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. Remove the ACL assembly and outlet pipe. Refer to Section 303-12.
  1. Remove the battery tray. Refer to Section 414-01.
  1. Remove the Y-pipe assembly. Refer to Section 309-00.
  1. Remove the transmission support insulator-anti roll. Refer to Transaxle Support Insulator - Anti-Roll, 3.5L Ti-VCT.
  1. NOTICE: The Oil Pan Holding Fixture must be carefully aligned to the mounting bosses on the oil pan. Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage to the oil pan.

    NOTE: The Oil Pan Holding Fixture 303-1295 and a floor jack are used to raise and lower the engine to access the transmission support insulator.

    Special Tool(s): Oil Pan Holding Fixture 303-1295.
    General Equipment: Floor Jack.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Lower the transaxle from the mount about 50.8 mm (2 in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. Wire brush. Apply the substance from the specified tube.
    Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Wire brush. Apply the substance from the specified tube.
    Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten to 70 Nm (52 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Apply the substance from the specified tube.
    Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten the bolt to 80 Nm (59 lb-ft).
    • Tighten the nuts to 63 Nm (46 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten to 175 Nm (129 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the battery tray and battery. Refer to Section 414-01.
  1. Install the ACL assembly and outlet pipe. Refer to Section 303-12.
  1. Install the transmission support insulator-anti roll. Refer to Transaxle Support Insulator - Anti-Roll, 3.5L Ti-VCT.
  1. Install the exhaust Y-pipe assembly. Refer to Section 309-00.

Transaxle Support Insulator - 3.5L GTDI

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. Refer to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the battery tray. Refer to Section 414-01.
  1. Remove the cowl panel grille. Refer to Section 501-02.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Remove the crankcase vent tube. Refer to Section 310-00.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: Index-mark the RH CAC tube position for reference during installation.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Eye, Engine Lift 303-1245.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Support Bar, Engine 303-F072, Bar, Engine Spreader 303-1454.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Do not loosen the center bolt or damage to the mount will occur.

    Remove the 2 upper transmission support insulator bolts.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten to 70 Nm (52 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten the bolt to 80 Nm (59 lb-ft).
    • Tighten the nuts to 63 Nm (46 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Connect the turbocharger wastegate regulating valve electrical connector.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Align the index marks.
    • Tighten to 5 Nm (44 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 15 Nm (133 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 8 Nm (71 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 6 Nm (53 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 30 Nm (22 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the cowl panel grille. Refer to Section 501-02.
  1. Install the battery tray. Refer to Section 414-01.

Transaxle Support Insulator - 3.7L Ti-VCT

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. Remove the ACL assembly and outlet pipe. Refer to Section 303-12.
  1. Remove the battery tray. Refer to Section 414-01.
  1. Remove the Y-pipe assembly. Refer to Section 309-00.
  1. Remove the transmission support insulator-anti roll. Refer to Transaxle Support Insulator - Anti-Roll, 3.7L Ti-VCT.
  1. NOTICE: The Oil Pan Holding Fixture must be carefully aligned to the mounting bosses on the oil pan. Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage to the oil pan.

    NOTE: The Oil Pan Holding Fixture 303-1295 and a floor jack are used to raise and lower the engine to access the transmission support insulator.

    Special Tool(s): Oil Pan Holding Fixture 303-1295.
    General Equipment: Floor Jack.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Lower the transaxle from the mount about 50.8 mm (2 in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. Wire brush. Apply the substance from the specified tube.
    Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Wire brush. Apply the substance from the specified tube.
    Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten to 70 Nm (52 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Apply the substance from the specified tube.
    Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten the bolt to 80 Nm (59 lb-ft).
    • Tighten the nuts to 63 Nm (46 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten to 175 Nm (129 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the battery tray and battery. Refer to Section 414-01.
  1. Install the ACL assembly and outlet pipe. Refer to Section 303-12.
  1. Install the transmission support insulator-anti roll. Refer to Transaxle Support Insulator - Anti-Roll, 3.7L Ti-VCT.
  1. Install the exhaust Y-pipe assembly. Refer to Section 309-00.

Transaxle Support Insulator - Anti-Roll, 3.5L Ti-VCT


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. Refer to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the exhaust Y-pipe. Refer to Section 309-00.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: FWD shown, AWD similar. The FWD roll restrictor bracket will have 3 bolts and the AWD roll restrictor bracket will have 2 bolts.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. NOTE: The bracket has keyed tabs to orientate the roll restrictor.

    Align the keyed tabs. Visual check. Wire brush. Apply the substance from the specified tube.
    Materials: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.

    • Tighten to 103 Nm (76 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the exhaust Y-pipe. Refer to Section 309-00.

Transaxle Support Insulator - Anti-Roll, 3.5L GTDI


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


Front and rear roll restrictors

  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. Refer to Section 100-02.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

Front roll restrictor

  1. If equipped.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

Rear roll restrictor

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


Rear roll restrictor

  1. NOTE: The bracket has keyed tabs to orient the roll restrictor.

    Wire brush. Apply the substance from the specified tube.
    Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.

    • Tighten to 103 Nm (76 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

Front roll restrictor

  1. Wire brush. Apply the substance from the specified tube.
    Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten the 2 bracket-to-transmission bolts to 90 Nm (66 lb-ft).
    • Tighten the through bolt to 103 Nm (76 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. If equipped.
    • Tighten to 70 Nm (52 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

Front and rear roll restrictors

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

Transaxle Support Insulator - Anti-Roll, 3.7L Ti-VCT


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. Refer to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the exhaust Y-pipe. Refer to Section 309-00.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: FWD shown, AWD similar. The FWD roll restrictor bracket will have 3 bolts and the AWD roll restrictor bracket will have 2 bolts.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. NOTE: The bracket has keyed tabs to orientate the roll restrictor.

    Align the keyed tabs. Visual check. Wire brush. Apply the substance from the specified tube.
    Materials: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.

    • Tighten to 103 Nm (76 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the exhaust Y-pipe. Refer to Section 309-00.

Solenoid Body Assembly


NOTE: The PCM must be updated with a new solenoid body strategy data file and solenoid body identification anytime a new solenoid body is installed. A new solenoid body service tag must be installed over the current solenoid body service tag on top of the transmission case.

  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. Refer to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the main control cover. Refer to Main Control Cover - 3.5L GTDI or Main Control Cover - 3.5L Ti-VCT.
  1. Slide the TR sensor electrical connector lock tab over.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Handle the solenoid body with care or damage to the solenoid body may occur.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. NOTICE: Make sure not to pinch the TSS , OSS or TR sensor wiring harnesses behind the solenoid body when positioning the solenoid body in place.

    Hand-tighten only.

    1. 42 mm (1.653 in) bolt
    1. 63 mm (2.48 in) bolts
    1. 80 mm (3.149 in) bolts
    1. 95 mm (3.74 in) bolts

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Connect the TR sensor electrical connector and slide the lock tab to the LOCK position.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the main control cover. Refer to Main Control Cover - 3.5L GTDI or Main Control Cover - 3.5L Ti-VCT.
  1. Wipe the surface of the existing solenoid body strategy tag on top of the transmission case clean and install the new solenoid body strategy tag (supplied with the solenoid body service kit) over it.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Download a new solenoid body strategy to the PCM. Refer to Solenoid Body Strategy Download.

Main Control Cover - 3.5L Ti-VCT


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. Refer to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the ACL assembly and outlet pipe. Refer to Section 303-12.
  1. Drain the transmission fluid.
    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Discard the specified component. Follow local disposal regulations.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: If the transmission fluid cooler tube seals or backing rings are stuck in the transmission case, remove the seals and backing rings.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: Note the location of the of the studbolts for assembly.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. Check for damage. Visual check.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: Install the studbolts in the correct locations as noted during disassembly.

    Loosely install the bolts.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Tighten the main control cover bolts in the sequence shown.
    • Tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Visual check. Apply the specified lubricant to the specified component.
    Material: Motorcraft MERCON LV Automatic Transmission Fluid XT-10-QLVC.
    1. Seal
    1. Backing ring

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install a new transmission fluid cooler tube bolt.
    • Tighten the bolt to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).
    • Tighten the nut to 30 Nm (22 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the ACL assembly and outlet pipe. Refer to Section 303-12.
  1. Fill the transaxle with clean transmission fluid. Refer to Transmission Fluid Drain and Refill.

Main Control Cover - 3.5L GTDI


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
  1. Remove the ACL and outlet pipe.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. If equipped.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Drain the transmission fluid.
    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: Note the location of the of the studbolts for assembly.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. Check for damage. Visual check.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: Install the studbolts in the correct locations as noted during disassembly.

    Loosely install the bolts.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Tighten the main control cover bolts in the sequence shown.
    • Tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. If equipped.
    • Tighten to 70 Nm (52 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Fill the transaxle with clean transmission fluid. Refer to Transmission Fluid Drain and Refill.
  1. Install the ACL and outlet pipe. REFER to Section 303-12.

Main Control Cover - 3.7L Ti-VCT


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. REFER to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the ACL assembly and outlet pipe. REFER to Section 303-12.
  1. Drain the transmission fluid.
    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Discard the specified component. Follow local disposal regulations.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: If the transmission fluid cooler tube seals or backing rings are stuck in the transmission case, remove the seals and backing rings.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: Note the location of the of the studbolts for assembly.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. Check for damage. Visual check.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: Install the studbolts in the correct locations as noted during disassembly.

    Loosely install the bolts.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Tighten the main control cover bolts in the sequence shown.
    • Tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Visual check. Apply the specified lubricant to the specified component.
    Material: Motorcraft MERCON LV Automatic Transmission Fluid XT-10-QLVC.
    1. Seal
    1. Backing ring

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install a new transmission fluid cooler tube bolt.
    • Tighten the bolt to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).
    • Tighten the nut to 30 Nm (22 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the ACL assembly and outlet pipe. REFER to Section 303-12.
  1. Fill the transmission with clean transmission fluid. Refer to Transmission Fluid Drain and Refill.

Manual Control Lever Shaft Seal

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. Remove the TR sensor. Refer to Digital Transmission Range (TR) Sensor.
  1. Discard the specified component. Follow local disposal regulations.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


  1. Apply the specified lubricant to the specified component.
    Shop Supplies: Petroleum Jelly.
    Special Tool(s): Manual Lever Seal Installer 307-581.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the TR sensor. Refer to Digital Transmission Range (TR) Sensor.

Transaxle - 3.5L Ti-VCT

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


All vehicles

NOTE: Refer to the Transmission Cooler Flushing Job Aid on the FMCDealer website.

  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. Refer to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the ACL and ACL outlet pipe. Refer to Section 303-12.
  1. Remove the battery and battery tray. Refer to Section 414-01.
  1. Remove the upper intake manifold. Refer to Section 303-01A.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Remove the subframe. Refer to Section 502-00.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Remove the roll restrictor. Refer to Transaxle Support Insulator - Anti-Roll, 3.5L Ti-VCT.
  1. NOTE: If transmission disassembly or installation of a new transmission is necessary, drain the transmission fluid.
    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Do not allow the the halfshaft to over angle or hang from the outer CV joint. Always support the free end of the halfshaft or damage can occur.

    Special Tool(s): Slide Hammer 100-001 T50T-100-A, Remover, Halfshaft 205-832.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    1. Inspect the differential seal surface.
    1. Inspect the halfshaft bushing surface. If this surface is damaged, inspect the halfshaft bushing for damage.
    1. Inspect the differential side gear splines.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

FWD vehicles

  1. NOTICE: Do not allow the the halfshaft to over angle or hang from the outer CV joint. Always support the free end of the halfshaft or damage can occur.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    1. Inspect the differential seal surface.
    1. Inspect the halfshaft bushing surface. If this surface is damaged, inspect the halfshaft bushing for damage.
    1. Inspect the differential side gear splines.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

AWD vehicles

  1. Remove the PTU. Refer to Section 308-07B.

All vehicles

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Disconnect Tool, Transmission Cooler Line 307-569.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Eye, Engine Lift 303-1245.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Support Bar, Engine 303-F072, Bar, Engine Spreader 303-1454.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Lower the transmission from the mount about 50.8 mm (2 in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Adapter, Transmission Jack 209-00152.
    General equipment: Transmission jack.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    1. If equipped.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Retainer, Torque Converter 307-346

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: If the transmission fluid cooler tube seals or backing rings are stuck in the transmission case, remove the seals and backing rings.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. If the transmission is to be overhauled or if installing a new or re-manufactured transmission, carry out transmission fluid cooler backflushing and cleaning. Refer to Section 307-02A.


All vehicles

NOTICE: Prior to installation of a new, re-manufactured or overhauled transmission, the transmission fluid cooler tubes must be cleaned, otherwise transmission failure may occur.

NOTE: Prior to installation of a new, re-manufactured or overhauled transmission, flush out the cooler and cooler tubes. Refer to Section 307-02A.

    1. Seal (7D258)
    1. Backing ring (7J324)

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Make sure that when installing the manual control lever, it is fully seated onto the manual control lever shaft. Damage to the manual control lever shaft will occur and the manual lever will come loose.

    NOTICE: Make sure to hold the manual control lever while tightening the manual control lever nut or damage to the manual control lever and park components will occur.

    • Tighten to 18 Nm (159 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Multi-Purpose Grease XG-4 and/or XL-5

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: If the transmission is not positioned on the dowel pins, damage to the transmission may occur.

    NOTE: If the dowel pins were pulled out of the engine block during removal, install new dowel pins in the engine block.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Retainer, Torque Converter 307-346

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the transmission on the engine dowels.
    Special Tool(s): Adapter, Transmission Jack 209-00152.
    General equipment: Transmission jack.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Tighten to 48 Nm (35 lb-ft).
    1. If equipped.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten the bolt to 80 Nm (59 lb-ft).
    • Tighten the nuts to 63 Nm (46 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten to 175 Nm (129 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Use only the specified bolts for the torque converter. Standard length fasteners may bottom out and damage the torque converter clutch apply surface.

    Install 3 new torque converter bolts (W714722).

    • Install the first torque converter bolt in the slotted hole on the flexplate.
    • Tighten to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

AWD vehicles

  1. Install the PTU. Refer to Section 308-07B.

FWD vehicles

    • Tighten to 25 Nm (18 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

All vehicles

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: Remove the seal protector before the halfshaft is installed completely.

    NOTE: After insertion, pull the halfshaft inner end to make sure the circlip is locked.

    Using part: AA5P-4N206-A.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: Insert shaft until circlip is fully seated. When checking if circlip is seated do not pull on CV joint or damage can result.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the subframe. Refer to Section 502-00.
  1. Install the roll restrictor. Refer to Transaxle Support Insulator - Anti-Roll, 3.5L Ti-VCT.
    • Tighten to 48 Nm (35 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 26 Nm (19 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten the starter battery terminal nut to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
    • Tighten the starter solenoid terminal nut to 6 Nm (53 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Adjust the selector lever cable. Refer to Section 307-05.
  1. Install the upper intake manifold. Refer to Section 303-01A.
  1. Install the battery and battery tray. Refer to Section 414-01.
  1. Install the ACL and ACL outlet pipe. Refer to Section 303-12.
  1. Fill with clean transmission fluid to the correct level. Refer to Transmission Fluid Drain and Refill.
  1. If a new solenoid body is installed, the solenoid body strategy will need to be updated. Refer to Solenoid Body Strategy Download.

Transaxle - 3.5L GTDI

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


NOTE: Refer to the Transmission Cooler Flushing Job Aid on the FMCDealer website.

  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. Refer to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the battery and battery tray. Refer to Section 414-01.
  1. Remove the ACL outlet pipe. Refer to Section 303-12.
  1. Remove the cowl panel grille. Refer to Section 501-02.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Remove the crankcase vent tube. Refer to Section 310-00.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Eye, Engine Lift 303-1245.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: Index-mark the CAC tube position for reference during installation.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Support Bar, Engine 303-F072, Bar, Engine Spreader 303-1454.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Do not loosen the center bolt or damage to the transmission support insulator will occur.

    Remove the 2 upper transmission support insulator bolts.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Remove the front subframe. Refer to Section 502-00.
  1. Remove the roll restrictors. Refer to Transaxle Support Insulator - Anti-Roll, 3.5L GTDI.
  1. Drain the transmission fluid.
    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Remove the LH front halfshaft. Refer to Section 205-04.
    1. Inspect the differential seal surface.
    1. Inspect the halfshaft bushing surface. If this surface is damaged, inspect the halfshaft bushing for damage.
    1. Inspect the differential side gear splines.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Remove the PTU. Refer to Section 308-07B.
    1. Inspect the differential seal surface.
    1. Inspect the halfshaft bushing surface. If this surface is damaged, inspect the halfshaft bushing for damage.
    1. Inspect the differential side gear splines.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Disconnect Tool, Transmission Cooler Line 307-569.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Adapter, Transmission Jack 209-00152.
    General equipment: Transmission jack.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    1. If equipped.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Retainer, Torque Converter 307-346

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: If the transmission fluid cooler tube seals or backing rings are stuck in the transmission case, remove the seals and backing rings.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. If the transmission is to be overhauled or if installing a new or re-manufactured transmission, carry out transmission fluid cooler backflushing and cleaning. Refer to Section 307-02A.


NOTICE: Prior to installation of a new, re-manufactured or overhauled transmission, the transmission fluid cooler tubes must be cleaned, otherwise transmission failure may occur.

NOTE: Prior to installation of a new, re-manufactured or overhauled transmission, flush out the cooler and cooler tubes. Refer to Section 307-02A.

    1. Seal (7D258)
    1. Backing ring (7J324)

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Make sure that when installing the manual control lever, it is fully seated onto the manual control lever shaft. Damage to the manual control lever shaft will occur and the manual lever will come loose.

    NOTICE: Make sure to hold the manual control lever while tightening the manual control lever nut or damage to the manual control lever and park components will occur.

    • Tighten to 18 Nm (159 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Multi-Purpose Grease XG-4 and/or XL-5

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: If the transmission is not positioned on the dowel pins, damage to the transmission may occur.

    NOTE: If the dowel pins were pulled out of the engine block during removal, install new dowel pins in the engine block.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Retainer, Torque Converter 307-346

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the transmission on the engine dowels.
    Special Tool(s): Adapter, Transmission Jack 209-00152.
    General equipment: Transmission jack.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Tighten to 48 Nm (35 lb-ft).
    1. If equipped.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Use only the specified bolts for the torque converter. Standard length fasteners may bottom out and damage the torque converter clutch apply surface.

    Install 3 new torque converter bolts (W714722).

    • Install the first torque converter bolt in the slotted hole on the flexplate.
    • Tighten to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the PTU. Refer to Section 308-07B.
  1. Install the LH halfshaft. Refer to Section 205-00.
  1. Install the front subframe. Refer to Section 502-00.
  1. Install the roll restrictors. Refer to Transaxle Support Insulator - Anti-Roll, 3.5L GTDI.
  1. Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten to 70 Nm (52 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten the bolt to 80 Nm (59 lb-ft).
    • Tighten the nuts to 63 Nm (46 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Align the index marks.
    • Tighten to 5 Nm (44 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 15 Nm (133 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 8 Nm (71 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 6 Nm (53 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 48 Nm (35 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 26 Nm (19 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten the starter battery terminal nut to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
    • Tighten the starter solenoid terminal nut to 6 Nm (53 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the starter motor positive terminal cover.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 30 Nm (22 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the cowl panel grille. Refer to Section 501-02.
  1. Adjust the selector lever cable. Refer to Section 307-05.
  1. Install the battery tray. Refer to Section 414-01.
  1. Install the ACL outlet pipe. Refer to Section 303-12.
  1. Fill the transmission with clean transmission fluid. Refer to Transmission Fluid Drain and Refill.
  1. If a new solenoid body is installed, the solenoid body strategy will need to be updated. Refer to Solenoid Body Strategy Download.
  1. After completing the repairs, perform the Misfire Monitor Neutral Profile Correction procedure.

Transaxle - 3.7L Ti-VCT

Special Tool(s)

Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission


All vehicles

NOTE: Refer to the Transmission Cooler Flushing Job Aid on the FMCDealer website.

  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. Refer to Section 100-02.
  1. Remove the ACL and ACL outlet pipe. Refer to Section 303-12.
  1. Remove the battery and battery tray. Refer to Section 414-01.
  1. Remove the upper intake manifold. Refer to Section 303-01D.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Remove the subframe. Refer to Section 502-00.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Remove the roll restrictor. Refer to Transaxle Support Insulator - 3.7L Ti-VCT.
  1. NOTE: If transmission disassembly or installation of a new transmission is necessary, drain the transmission fluid.
    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Do not allow the the halfshaft to over angle or hang from the outer CV joint. Always support the free end of the halfshaft or damage can occur.

    Special Tool(s): Slide Hammer 100-001 T50T-100-A, Remover, Halfshaft 205-832.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    1. Inspect the differential seal surface.
    1. Inspect the halfshaft bushing surface. If this surface is damaged, inspect the halfshaft bushing for damage.
    1. Inspect the differential side gear splines.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

FWD vehicles

  1. NOTICE: Do not allow the the halfshaft to over angle or hang from the outer CV joint. Always support the free end of the halfshaft or damage can occur.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    1. Inspect the differential seal surface.
    1. Inspect the halfshaft bushing surface. If this surface is damaged, inspect the halfshaft bushing for damage.
    1. Inspect the differential side gear splines.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

AWD vehicles

  1. Remove the PTU. Refer to Section 308-07B.

All vehicles

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Disconnect Tool, Transmission Cooler Line 307-569.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Eye, Engine Lift 303-1245.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Support Bar, Engine 303-F072, Bar, Engine Spreader 303-1454.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Lower the transmission from the mount about 50.8 mm (2 in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Adapter, Transmission Jack 209-00152.
    General equipment: Transmission jack.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    1. If equipped.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Retainer, Torque Converter 307-346

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: If the transmission fluid cooler tube seals or backing rings are stuck in the transmission case, remove the seals and backing rings.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. If the transmission is to be overhauled or if installing a new or re-manufactured transmission, carry out transmission fluid cooler backflushing and cleaning. Refer to Section 307-02A.


All vehicles

NOTICE: Prior to installation of a new, re-manufactured or overhauled transmission, the transmission fluid cooler tubes must be cleaned, otherwise transmission failure may occur.

NOTE: Prior to installation of a new, re-manufactured or overhauled transmission, flush out the cooler and cooler tubes. Refer to Section 307-02A.

    1. Seal (7D258)
    1. Backing ring (7J324)

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Make sure that when installing the manual control lever, it is fully seated onto the manual control lever shaft. Damage to the manual control lever shaft will occur and the manual lever will come loose.

    NOTICE: Make sure to hold the manual control lever while tightening the manual control lever nut or damage to the manual control lever and park components will occur.

    • Tighten to 18 Nm (159 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Multi-Purpose Grease XG-4 and/or XL-5

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: If the transmission is not positioned on the dowel pins, damage to the transmission may occur.

    NOTE: If the dowel pins were pulled out of the engine block during removal, install new dowel pins in the engine block.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Special Tool(s): Retainer, Torque Converter 307-346

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the transmission on the engine dowels.
    Special Tool(s): Adapter, Transmission Jack 209-00152.
    General equipment: Transmission jack.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Tighten to 48 Nm (35 lb-ft).
    1. If equipped.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten the bolt to 80 Nm (59 lb-ft).
    • Tighten the nuts to 63 Nm (46 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Material: Threadlock and Sealer TA-25.
    • Tighten to 175 Nm (129 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTICE: Use only the specified bolts for the torque converter. Standard length fasteners may bottom out and damage the torque converter clutch apply surface.

    Install 3 new torque converter bolts (W714722).

    • Install the first torque converter bolt in the slotted hole on the flexplate.
    • Tighten to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

AWD vehicles

  1. Install the PTU. Refer to Section 308-07B.

FWD vehicles

    • Tighten to 25 Nm (18 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

All vehicles

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: Remove the seal protector before the halfshaft is installed completely.

    NOTE: After insertion, pull the halfshaft inner end to make sure the circlip is locked.

    Using part: AA5P-4N206-A.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. NOTE: Insert shaft until circlip is fully seated. When checking if circlip is seated do not pull on CV joint or damage can result.

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Install the subframe. Refer to Section 502-00.
  1. Install the roll restrictor. Refer to Transaxle Support Insulator - Anti-Roll, 3.7L Ti-VCT.
    • Tighten to 48 Nm (35 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten to 26 Nm (19 lb-ft).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    • Tighten the starter battery terminal nut to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
    • Tighten the starter solenoid terminal nut to 6 Nm (53 lb-in).

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

    Ford Taurus. Automatic Transmission

  1. Adjust the selector lever cable. Refer to Section 307-05.
  1. Install the upper intake manifold. Refer to Section 303-01D.
  1. Install the battery and battery tray. Refer to Section 414-01.
  1. Install the ACL and ACL outlet pipe. Refer to Section 303-12.
  1. Fill with clean transmission fluid to the correct level. Refer to Transmission Fluid Drain and Refill.
  1. If a new solenoid body is installed, the solenoid body strategy will need to be updated. Refer to Solenoid Body Strategy Download.
    General Procedures
    Solenoid Body Identification Procedure Original Solenoid Body Service Tag Using the scan tool, select Powertrain, Transmission and Transmission Solenoid Body Identification from the toolbox icon a ...

    Disassembly and Assembly
    Transaxle - Overhaul Special Tool(s) Material Disassembled Views All vehicles Special Tool(s): Holding Fixture 307-580 Special Tool(s): Retainer, Torque Converter 307-346 ...

    Other materials:

    About this manual Thank you for choosing ford. we recommend that you take some time to get to know your vehicle by reading this manual. the more that you know about it, the greater the safety and pleasure you will get from driving it. Warning: Always drive with due care and attention when usin ...

    Fuel Tank and Lines
    SPECIFICATIONS General Specifications Torque Specifications DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION Fuel Tank and Lines 2.0L Gasoline Turbocharged Direct Injection (GTDI) Fuel Tank and Lines The fuel tank and lines consists of: a single container (L-shaped) fuel tank. a fuel level sensor assembly. a Fuel ...

    Removal and Installation
    Exterior Mirror Removal and Installation NOTE: Do not remove the exterior mirror assembly when repairing an individual part. Individual components can be installed without removing the exterior mirror. Remove the sail panel. Pull outward on the sail panel to release the retaining clips. ...