For best results, use the following products or products of equivalent quality: Motorcraft Bug and Tar Remover (ZC-42)
Motorcraft Custom Bright Metal Cleaner (ZC-15)
Motorcraft Detail Wash (ZC-3-A)
Motorcraft Dusting Cloth (ZC-24)
Motorcraft Engine Shampoo and Degreaser (United States only) (ZC-20)
Motorcraft Engine Shampoo (Canada only) (CXC-66-A)
Motorcraft Multi-Purpose Cleaner (Canada only) (CXC-101)
Motorcraft Premium Glass Cleaner (Canada only) (CXC-100)
Motorcraft Premium Quality Windshield Washer Fluid (Canada only) [CXC-37-(A, B, D or F)]
Motorcraft Premium Windshield Wash Concentrate with Bitterant (United States only) ZC-32-B1)
Motorcraft Professional Strength Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner (ZC-54)
Motorcraft Spot and Stain Remover (United States only) (ZC-14)
Motorcraft Ultra-Clear Spray Glass Cleaner (ZC-23)
Motorcraft Wheel and Tire Cleaner (ZC-37-A)
Vehicle Care
GENERAL INFORMATION Your Ford or Lincoln authorized dealer has many quality products available to clean your vehicle and protect its finishes. ...Cleaning the exterior
Wash your vehicle regularly with cool or lukewarm water and a neutral pH shampoo, such as Motorcraft® Detail Wash. • Never use strong household detergents or soap, such as dish washing or laun ...Other materials:
Steering System
Steering System
Electronic Power Assist Steering (EPAS) System
The Electronic Power Assist Steering (EPAS) system consists of the following
Power Steering Control Module (PSCM) - the PSCM controls the functions
of the EPAS system and com ...
SecuriLock® passive anti-theft system
Note: The system is not compatible with non-Ford aftermarket remote
start systems. Use of these systems may result in vehicle starting
problems and a loss of security protection.
Note: Metallic objects, electronic devices or a second coded key on the
same key chain may cause vehicle starting i ...
Special Tool(s)
Engine - External Components
Engine - Front and Upper Components
Engine - Lower Block Components
NOTICE: Do not loosen or remove the crankshaft pulley bolt without
first installing the special tools as instructed in this procedure. The
crankshaft pu ...